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  1. I have just done a re-installation using the web installer this time Now version shows What did you mean when you said "that no longer applies" (for the application updates) If 21.3 is withdrawn (when?), wouldn't KIS attempt to update the app to a later version? I only need the database updates - nothing else How can I ensure that this version that I have now just stays like that (like it is supposed to anyway!) All that assuming that whatever the issue I had earlier (as you can see in that video) is fixed in this version. Time will tell
  2. The KIS version supposidlely installed on my PC is (not 21.3) For the installation, I used an older offline installer, which the prompt me to connect and download the 'latest version' - and this is what it installed. Not sure if that has to do with any subscription limitation or not. But this is the version the installer deemed as 'latest'. No choice there either I do not wish to use the web installer. I want to be able to install KIS on a custom path And this is what the situation looks like after installation: https://filebin.net/8ditneivn32ko0k8 Only actions I ve done prior to what you see in the above video is to disable 'run at startup' (which I don't need), applied the workaround and then carried on with other windows tasks. And suddenly, when I decided to turn on KIS, you can see what happens in the above video Then I started wondering why this doesn't also happen on my other PC. And then I realized that the other PC runs version - which is newer compared to the one I ve just downloaded after the fresh install of my new system! Go figure... So, my question here is towards the DEVs/official support: a) Can you provide a link with a latest, official, offline installer for me to give it one last chance? b) Can you provide a solid solution for disabling application updates for that installer? I want to have control over what my security software does (and what doesn't!). I am paying for that very reason If your answer is 'No' then I ll just roll back to using Windows Defender or ClamWin. I d rather live with a shitty detection rate, rather than having to deal with a piece of software which makes too many decisions for its own good
  3. 1) Fresh install of KIS on W10 x64 2) Followed 'workaround' 3) After registry modification as proposed above, KIS wouldn't start normally. Starting the app, results in two KIS icons appear on the taskbar 4) Hovering the mouse over, 1 of those disappears 5) And clicking on the one that remained, attempts to re-start KIS and goes back to (3) So what's wrong this time? Is that "IsVersionUpdateEnabled" entry in the registry that caused all the havoc? Is it not supported by later versions anymore? Something else? Good luck to me finding out. As if I don't have anything better to do, instead of spending time on troubleshooting, re-installing on a fresh windows installation ? I thought things have improved here, but apparently not Not only DEVs haven't implemented a normal, user-friendly way of disabling application auto-update (which is done silently by the way), but also 'workaround' doesn't seem to work anymore Total disappointment from my side
  4. Can Kaspersky please post the latest offline installer for KIS2021 for us to readily use without hassle? Without having to fetch Total Security?
  5. Pardon me - in case I m missing something here But the OP requested for an “offline installer”, right? How is this proposed solution an offline installer - since one has to download and then fetch the installer from there? Why there isn’t a KIS offline installer available in first place and the user has to go through this process?
  6. Point here is that you shouldn’t have to ‘live with it’ or have to be tech savvy in order to make those changes. Architects/developers should have given an option (via the GUI) for the user to configure those aspects of the software to suit their needs. So in my opinion, at the moment, Kaspersky has taken a wrong turn here. I m expecting to see this issue addressed in future releases, otherwise, I won’t be renewing my license, as the software doesn’t do what I want it to do. I want to have the freedom to chose that newer versions are not installed/forced automatically, but only when/if I want it to (and me accepting to take the risk for running an older version!) I hope that this thread is taken into account and those issues are addressed.
  7. Hello @ias0na, Thanks for posting back👌 The install default path is preset, designed by Kaspersky experts, for best protection, while your configuration may be safe, there’s a possibility other user’s config is not, if Kaspersky install accepted user defaults and their systems were compromised, users may hold Kaspersky responsible. Toggle Removable drives scan OFF Thank you🙏 Flood🐳 +🐋 Regarding the installation path, my point was that it should have been retained in my case. I get it that “program files” as a system protected folder may provide for some additional protection (if any!). But still, since KIS took the liberty to auto-update the entire app, it should at least sticked to a custom installation folder (since I specified that). A custom installation path was given for a reason, and KIS should have at least respected that. Now, my only option would be to uninstall and re-install the entire app (also an inconvenience, as I m concerned of losing other settings) For me, that’s an improvement point also. Architects should take into account someone with a custom config - give the freedom to have certain decisions made by the human - even for the rest 95% of users who don’t bother and just want to have an antivirus running onto their PCs.. I can see that all remaining preferences that I had were retained (as they should). Not sure about the removable drive auto-scan (perhaps thats a new feature or I had also disabled it a long time ago and can’t remember..)
  8. One more thing I ve just noticed. The ‘update’ took place by installing the new version of KIS in the default location (under program files folder) and not where I had it originally installed (custom location). Which also kind of sucks. I want to keep my apps in certain folder. Again, my choice. I hope you make a note of that and have it sorted too Also realised that upon inserting an external drive, KIS scans it automatically. Although this is a nice feature for novice users, I have other means in place in order to protect from such threats, so I don’t need it. How do I disable that?
  9. I ll follow that process, thanks Still, I think it would make sense to have this option available within the GUI, instead of people having to resort to registry mods. If I wish to stick with a particular version, that’s my decision (and my risk if something goes wrong..). But still my decision, so there has to be an option for it.
  10. I have spent a considerable amount of time, in order to have software behave exactly the way I want to. This is the very first thing I do with every software/tool that I install/use. So the security software is no exception. As far as KIS goes, I have set a custom level of protection, keeping only the features that I need. I have also explicitely selected that updating is to be done manually only. And yet, KIS chose to ignore my settings. A month ago, a friend with whom we bought a multi-license for KIS, complained that ‘something changed’ to his KIS and that some additional apps came up (Safe Money). Initially I didn’t pay much attention, as I though that he did something wrong and update the app (I have configured his as well) Just moments ago, I got a message from KIS that “PC needs to be restarted”. So wtf? Does KIS silently updates the app? Without user consent? Even though I have explicitely set everything to manual? My KIS jumped to version without me knowing, and without even asking me if I wanted to perform an app update. I find it totally unacceptable for software to take decisions on its own - and against my consent. I expect some explanation on this by someone within the architect/development team. If you chose not to correct this in the immediate future, or at least provide users with a visible, obvious option e.g. “application update » manual/disabled”, then I m afraid to say that this product doesn’t meet my requirements and I won’t be renewing my license. Software that goes against human decision is no good software - its more like malware behaviour. It is my right as a user to chose what I want the software to do. Not vice versa! So when I chose custom settings for KIS and manual update only, that includes also the app. I don’t want any app downloading/installing occurring without my say so. If you wish to make this software appealing to n00b users only, who can’t make desicions on their own, so be it. But in this case, let me know. I hope I was clear.
  11. Thank you Berny, Will do KIS2020 then :) As I currently don’t have LAN to this PC, is it possible for me to get a latest offline installer? I ve got this: https://trial.s.kaspersky-labs.com/registered/ywbn379x88qc6egguxbf/3233333531327c44454c7c32/kis20.0.14.1085abcel_20910.exe ...but it’s the trial/online installer Could you share or PM me the offline installer for KIS2020 - preferably English-UK version (I m in EU)
  12. Hi! Back in 2018, I have purchased an activation code for KIS (5 devices / 2years) Since then, I only actually used 3 out 5 device allowance. Now, I need to install KIS on another device and I see that latest KIS version is 2020 Is it possible to download and activate KIS2020 with my old (valid) key? I still got few months remaining. Or do I need to find an older version of KIS e.g. 2018 or 2019? In other words - is KIS license valid for all latest versions? For example, if I was to buy a 2yr license now and within those two years I can also download and activate KIS2021 / KIS2022 and so on? Thanks in advance
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