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  1. I was not shutting down completely when I did the uninstall and reinstall. So, I can not understand how this may have made the difference? I have been able to test it today. I think it is working now. Will keep an eye out in the next few days. Thank you.
  2. Ever since I have updated my system to Windows 11 VPN is frozen at 17% saying "Your connection is secure" but it is not. Even when my laptop is rebooted and I open the app first thing it is already at 17% without having used any data. 1 - I switch it off and cannot switch it back on again. 2 - I close the app and reopen it and it is stuck at 17% and says "Your connection is secure". 3 - When I try to close the app from the small notification window the app/notification popup freezes and I cannot it close it. The only way I can close this small notification box is via the Task Manager. Can someone please help with this? It is so annoying and this has been happening now for over 1 year and I do not feel protected at all. NB: My location is set to Australia and it will not allow me to change the protocol. Image 1 - VPN switched off Image 2 - VPN switched on
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