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  1. @Friend, спасибо! В локализации RU действительно появилась такая проблема (другие языки не пострадали). Завели, исправим в следующем релизе.
  2. Проверьте настройки ограничений. Вероятно, где-то в настройках есть обратная "разрешающая" запись для youtube
  3. Hi, @markinson We have published new version of KART with fix of described issue on our website: https://www.kaspersky.com/anti-ransomware (or https://kas.pr/kart-business) Please try to install it and check if it helps to fix Avast compatibility. You may install new version over the old one (without uninstalling it first).
  4. Hi everyone! We published new version KPM with fix for this issue. Please install it from official website (https://www.kaspersky.com/downloads/password-manager) and check if it helps to fix the problem on your PCs. You may install new version over the old one (without uninstalling it first).
  5. @all2tt, добрый день. Действительно, с Copilot также наблюдается конфликт при работе KPM с буфером обмена. Мы исправим этом в следующем релизе КРМ (23.2.0.*). До выхода релиза (в ноябре) можно использовать обходное решение: Перейти в настройки панели задач Windows (Personalization -> Taskbar) Выключить опцию Copilot Перезагрузить ПК
  6. @Sumo, in last updates for Windows 11 in some regions Microsoft added Copilot application for users. Unfortunately KPM has conflict with it when trying to copy password to clipboard. We will fix it in 23.2.0.* release next month. Till the new release of KPM you can use the following workaround: Go to Taskbar settings in your Windows (Personalization -> Taskbar) Turn off the Copilot option Reboot your PC You may encounter a similar problem when using third-party applications that monitor the clipboard. For example: VirtualBox, Punto Switcher, Download Master.
  7. @iPOP @alburdon @JTM @Noga, in last updates for Windows 11 in some regions Microsoft added Copilot application for users. Unfortunately KPM has conflict with it when trying to copy password to clipboard. We will fix it in 23.2.0.* release next month. Till the new release of KPM you can use the following workaround: Go to Taskbar settings in your Windows (Personalization -> Taskbar) Turn off the Copilot option Reboot your PC You may encounter a similar problem when using third-party applications that monitor the clipboard. For example: VirtualBox, Punto Switcher, Download Master.
  8. @Denis0764, функционал появится в ближайшем релизе (23.2.0.х). На машины пользователей он будет раскатан в ноябре
  9. @ffranco, new version of KPM with Opera GX support will be delivered to all customers till the end of August 2023
  10. Hello @nexon New version of KPM ( is rolling out now. This process is gradual and you'll get automatic update till 6th of December. If you want to get new version ASAP, you may download it from https://www.kaspersky.com/downloads/password-manager and install manually over your current version.
  11. Поле ввода PIN есть на форме редактирования банковской карты:
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