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  1. I've followed your advice and submitted feedback, product suggestion, via chat. Chat support indicated my suggestion will indeed reach the correct team. It's all in their hands now.
  2. No, I don't want all searches flagged. I'd simply block all searches and allow only allowlisted websites. Rather, I want to click on "hen ta1" and "hen thai" with a simple little button and suggest to KSK that these searches constitute flagged content and preferably the algorithm could be improved to catch these items. In the spirit of, "No one knows everything", kids will be clever again in the future and may come up with cutting new new lingo and use of foreign slang words and KSK may not know something should be flagged content until later. I as a parent would like to click a button to suggest, "That there should be considered as flagged content."
  3. My child is clever. They have searched for adult content themes before and the simple typo variations get flagged as adult content. However, other content is not getting blocked immediately. Granted, I don't know how Google answered the search, maybe it didn't find the typo'ed content, maybe they did. All that said, I would like to submit google search queries as flagged contant. How can I do this easily, often, and whenever?
  4. Device: Moto e5 (XT1920DL) Android 8.1.0 My daughter’s phone is scheduled to block during certain hours of the night. However, during the blocked out hours she can simply press and hold the home button and activate the google assistant and look up anything that is otherwise permitted to her phone, e.g. “search for funny memes” “scroll past pages and pages of images to her hearts content.” She can’t browse from item to item, but she can view the content of anything the search results brings up. In other words, it’s as if her phone is completely unlocked. I’d quantify the effectiveness of the schedule block at 5% effective. I’ve tried forbidding the app, “Settings” and then disabling the google assistant, but if you press and hold the home button, Google proudly announces that the assistant is turned off and you can click right here to turn in it back on. No visit to Settings required. Additionally, if she turns on a playlist of music, say in Amazon Music, and hits play before the schedule is enforced, the music starts playing and stays playing. She can’t actually turn it off, it just goes and goes. Meaning the app stays active in device memory. But this is a minor problem, she could simply turn on the radio so that isn’t something I can control anyways.
  5. With Safe Kids installed, age of profile set to born in 2010, child is therefore 9. Google Chrome "SafeSearch" is turned on. I tried to perform a basic search. Search term: Hentai Under the Google results for All no results. Good. Under the Google results for Videos no results. Good. Under the Google results for Maps no results. Good. Under the Google results for Finance no results. Good. Under the Google results for Images, lots of results. Bad. Under the Google results for News, lots of results that had cover art. Bad. Under the Google results for Books, lots of results. Bad. Under the Google results for Shopping, lots of results. Bad. What's a parent to do?
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