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chandan gupta

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  1. Hello I have the attached the details & SS for another phone. When opened in safe mode , YouTube was still working.
  2. Device name - Redme Note 9 pro max MIUI ver -MIUI global 13.0.2 Android version - 12 SKQ1.211019.001 Steps taken by me to block the kids phone. 1. Login to SafeKids 2. Select the kids name. Go to settings. Select the kids phone . Block device and set the device usage time. Everytime it used to block the phone. But now kid has become smarter. Steps taken by kid to circumvent the SafeKids 1. Restarts the phone. 2. While booting he presses the down volume button until the logo of the MI changes to yellow. 3. Now the mobile opens in safe mode and SafeKids do not work. In the attached file look at the bottom left corner of the SS, the phone is open in the safe mode. Now he can do whatever he wants even though from my end the device is blocked.
  3. My Kid has learnt to circumvent the Safe kids by opening the mobile in safe mode. Now the safe kids do work on the Android mobile. Is there a solution to this problem?
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