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  1. richbuff, yes improved with the new update. Thanks!
  2. Thanks, richbuff! I'll do this. will certainly improve!
  3. tks, richbuff. Kaspersky Total Security 19.0.0 w10 home intel core i5 4210u, 1.7ghz, 8gb ram chrome Versão 76.0.3809.132 (Versão oficial) 64 bits internet connection: 35mb / 2mb
  4. Safe money has been very slow on every bank site I access. When I access bank sites without safe money, I can navigate normally. This shows that the problem is in fact safe money. Please correct the problem as it is making it impossible to use safe money. To download a PDF, for example, it has taken a long, long, long time. And accessing the same site, without the safe money, I have been able to download normally.
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