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  1. Hello, I am currently deploying KES on Android devices via the Cisco Meraki MDM tool. The problem being that when the application is installed via MDM, I have to manually configure Kaspersky with the server. Except that I cannot connect the server manually, the only method to connect the phone on KES is to use the QR Code which is causing me problem because I cannot install the app by MDM and QR code at the same time. (the configuration I enter in Kaspersky is exactly the same as the configuration I get via the QR Code) Is it possible to connect to a KES with manual configuration without going through the QR Code?
  2. Bonjour, Je déploie actuellement KES sur des appareils Android via l'outil Cisco Meraki MDM. Le problème étant que lorsque l'application est installée via MDM, je dois configurer manuellement Kaspersky avec le serveur. Sauf que je ne peux pas connecter le serveur manuellement, la seule méthode pour connecter le téléphone sur KES est d'utiliser le QR Code ce qui me pose problème car je ne peux pas installer l'application par MDM et code QR en même temps. (la configuration que j'entre dans Kaspersky est exactement la même que la configuration que j'obtiens via le QR Code) Est-il possible de se connecter à KES avec une configuration manuelle sans passer par le QR Code ?
  3. Hello, I am currently deploying KES on Android devices via the Cisco Meraki MDM tool. The problem being that when the application is installed via MDM, I have to manually configure Kaspersky with the server. Except that I cannot connect the server manually, the only method to connect the phone on KES is to use the QR Code which is causing me problem because I cannot install the app by MDM and QR code at the same time. (the configuration I enter in Kaspersky is exactly the same as the configuration I get via the QR Code) Is it possible to connect to a KES with manual configuration without going through the QR Code?
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