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  1. Hello i upgraded to MacOS Ventura earlier today, since then Anti Virus started showing error that it doesn't have full disk access and asked my to enable full disk access as it did on first install. Anyway i followed instructions and turns out Ventura says Kasper Sky already have full-disk-access (it actually did before upgrade so should not have been removed because of upgrade). But i nevertheless tried explicitly turning the full-disk-off and then again on to see if that helps but it didn't. While doing this i noticed my internet has stopped working, i blamed it on my isp and spent considerable time with their support and they remotely tried to troubleshoot my wifi but i soon realised that every other device (including another similar macbook) were able to connect to internet w/o any problem. The problem was only with my device. So i tried restarting my mac, resetting networking, resetting dns, clearing dns cache, and at the very last, found out some network filters setup by Kaspersky my device went online as soon as i removed those filters. So apparently KIS is not compatible with Ventura on M1 macbooks (i'm only saying M1 because mine is M1) Please please rectify it so i can get my protection back asap. It has wasted atleast 4 hours for me to troublshoot my wifi.
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