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Everything posted by Apekool

  1. Seems like a spoof. Please note that not all recipients have been addressed by their first and last name, some recipients have been addressed without their name, but with only their email address. When email address is obtained, then user's name might be found via spider/trawler [on the internet]. A possibility is that someone has been able to obtain the email addresses from Kaspersky users, not necessarily from Kaspersky, maybe even by indirect means, and then compiled spoofs based on available information. As the content of the email seems not very specific, this seems more like a brag/notification than like a genuine attempt to infiltrate recipients. If wanting to inflict real damage or infiltrate recipients, then other approach would have been used. The included image might be malicious, but sender would not have expected this to pass as a genuine Kaspersky email. Sender most likely is very certain of his/her own capabilities and possibly has the skill and/or access to do so again, and possibly more. Sender is letting us all know via this email that more might be coming. I am curious now how the Kaspersky data leak checker works, specifically the database. For Kaspersky a sign to up their game.
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