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  1. Privacy concerns. You did not miss the point, and you explained how it is not a concern since requests are mixed. You addressed my question. Thank you.
  2. Thank you Schulte. I tried your suggestion. It indeed doesn’t persist. Seems a programming solution is possible using powershell’s Get/Set -NetAdapter, alas not in Windows 7.
  3. How? Where in the setting? in VPN software? In Windows Network & Sharing Center? in VPN connection properties in active network?
  4. I’m not looking for a Linux product per-se. Can I use my Kaspersky VPN’s credentials to set up OpenVPN, and, point OpenVPN to a Kaspersy VPN entry point? (similar to what the VPN client does?? - where it knows who I am and allows me to connect to unlimited VPN traffic?) Thanks.
  5. I’d like to replace Kapsersy VPN’s usage of Google’s DNS with Cloudflare’s DNS. Is it possible? How? OS: Windows 7 Pro 64bit. Thanks.
  6. Kaspersky VPN on my PC does its job on the PC. Other devices connected to the same network are exposed. Is it possible to use my Kaspersky VPN subscription in/with OpenVPN that runs on RasberryPi with Pi-hole? RasberryPi is running Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) / Linux raspberrypi 5.10.52-v7+ #1440 Pi-hole version is v5.5 Thanks.
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