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  1. Past hour
  2. Hello @Vivoxbl, Welcome! Kaspersky has had long standing security measures in place for transactions that require verification, reference: What to do in case of payment issues when buying a license or subscription? Make sure the details entered, such as bank card number, name and zip code, are correct. Update your payment details if your bank card has expired, refer: How to change your payment details or email you specified when buying a license for a Kaspersky application. If the payment was declined, try another payment method. For example, a different bank card OR direct bank transfer. If the payment page is displayed incorrectly, try opening it in the incognito (private browsing) mode. If after completing the purchase you received a request for additional information, for example, a photo of your ID, then you may have entered some details incorrectly. Please provide the required additional information or make another order with correct details. If you experience other issues, submit a request to Kaspersky Customer Service by filling in the template as shown below: (note, fill in the software you are purchasing, we've used Kaspersky Standard as an example) Thank you🙏 Flood🐳+🐋
  3. Today
  4. Buenas noches, me llega notificación de renovación con 50% con código promocional, ya en el carrito de compras no lo aplica y genera error.
  5. Yesterday
  6. VPN maakt geen verbinding met die server. Ik heb het al verwijderd en opnieuw geïnstalleerd, maar nog steeds werkt VPN niet.
  7. Hey there! I get the frustration, but it seems like they're just doubling down on security measures. It's common for places to verify IDs for purchases, especially for sensitive items.
  8. @SNH Can you please specify, are you talking about another home access point ? Also , please contact Kaspersky Technical Support.
  9. @Belal Do you use vanilla OpenVPN or official Kaspersky VPN client to connect in Windows? If vanilla OpenVPN in Windows works, please share details about Linux OS version Linux OpenVPN client version Basically we supports 2.4.2 and newer vanilla OpenVPN clients with NCP enabled. If you refer Kaspersky VPN client, please check if it works if force WireGuard protocol in app setting. If it works please consider to use WireGuard configuration instead of OpenVPN with Linux client. Kaspersky VPN WIndows client by default uses Catapult Hydra protocol, right now there is no way to connect Linux device using it.
  10. no ho sempre usato kaspersky ho provato a disinstallare kaspersky plus poichè non andava a buon fine l'installazione dell'update 23h2 di windows
  11. prova A e B già effettuate senza successo proverò con gsi
  12. https://support.kaspersky.com/help/Kaspersky/Mac24_patchA/tr-TR/58556.htm https://support.kaspersky.com/help/Kaspersky/Mac24_patchA/tr-TR/198606.htm Bu kısımları okuyun hala etkinleşmişyorsa destek ile iletişime geçin.
  13. https://support.kaspersky.com/kpm-for-windows/24.0/diagnostics/14524 Sağ tıklayıp "Yönetici olarak" açın KPM'yi. Açılınca bu kısımı devre dışı bırakın. Sorun çözülmez ise Kaspersky ürünlerini kaldırın, kaldırıken lisans kalacak şekilde kaldırıp güncel sürümleri indirin. İndirmeden önce "sfc /scannow" komutunu çalıştırıp bitmesini bekleyin. Sistemi yeniden başlatıp kurulum yapın.
  14. Я оплатил раньше так как подписка заканчивается 17 числа
  15. https://support.kaspersky.com/common/buy/14709 Burayı okumalısınız. Satın alım gerçekleşip ücret kesildiyse dekont ve gerekli belgelerle desteğe başvurmanız gerekir.
  16. 100'e kadar olan ping oyunlarda normal sayılır. VPN ile bağlantılarda gecikmeler yaşanabilir ki bu da normaldir. https://www.kaspersky.com.tr/resource-center/preemptive-safety/vpn-for-gaming https://www.kaspersky.com.tr/resource-center/preemptive-safety/common-vpn-problems Bunları inceleyin.
  17. Support wasn't helpful at all. Every time I turned to them to report something (and I found many bugs) they asked for logs, which I provided, and in the end nothing got solved. I stopped sending tickets when they asked me to install beta versions of products/Testflight versions that can't coexist with stable versions so I can run one to test and another to use as a stable product. A company this big has the resources to test with many versions of iPhone models yet they don't seem to be doing that.
  18. That's not at all what I was talking about. I don't turn my phone off, neither do I cut it off from the internet voluntarily. Strangely my iPad stays connected, but other iPhones (different models) in the same household suffer from the same - protection gets randomly disabled and doesn't re-enable itself. That's a faulty product, not a user fault. A competitor product I used prior to switching to Kaspersky has a toggle built-in for their VPN (all of these products use a VPN to filter traffic) to re-enable itself when the network changes. What Kaspersky needs is proper testing and UX intervention.
  19. Merhaba, Kaspersky deneme sürümüne sahibim. Kurulum yapmak istediğimde Şifrelenmiş trafiğin incelenmesine izin ver diyor ve ben izin ver butonuna basıyorum. Şifremi girdikten sonra herhangi bir hata mesajı almadan tekrardan izin ver diyor yani bir şey değişmiyor. Hi, I have a Kaspersky trial version. When I try to install it, it says 'Allow inspection of encrypted traffic' and I click the 'Allow' button. After entering my password, it asks for permission again without showing any error message, so nothing changes.
  20. Отключите все расширения в браузере. Если проблема исчезнет, то ищите проблемное расширение.
  21. Не знаю что и делать, постоянно выскакивает что антивирус заблокировал переход на https://adtonus.com/code?id=11 этот сайт, при открытии любой вкладки, антивирус его видит но не лечит и не исправляет, что нужно сделать чтоб его удалить
  22. Данный продукт не поддерживается ... - https://support.kaspersky.ru/corporate/lifecycle#b2b.block0.kes10 думаю его уже не выдают даже по запросу.
  23. Yes, this is a normal situation... When I first encountered something like this, I tortured the support with questions. Basically, you only allowed access to the user, but not to the system... that's why you receive this notification add this user NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM to the rule that you created for your user... so that it does not bother you anymore.
  24. Здравствуйте. А можете скинуть ссылку на KES ? Заранее спасибо)
  25. I configured a VPN connection through OpenVPN by saving a .ovpn file, but when I use openvpn to connect, the connection is blocked, although the same server I'm connecting to works fine when I connect from windows. I tried both UDP and TCP protocols, both getting the same error (I used to see this error when my ISP blocks VPN connection) 2024-04-15 14:47:35 TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity) 2024-04-15 14:47:35 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed Does the windows app use some different protocol or settings that I can implement in openvpn in linux?
  26. I completed the steps, but the connection from openvpn cannot be established! getting errors like it's blocked by ISP although it does work on windows. I tried both udp and tcp protocols, is there anything I can do to get the same results like in windows?
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